Mădălina Pavăl grew up in the Bucovina region of Romania. Since early years she
began collecting and singing traditional Romanian music. Throughout her many travels
around the country she got to gather the old roots of local folklore - rural rituals,
connection to nature, the solitude and celebration of love, old curses and spiritual
healing - all and each vividly exposed in the art of singing. Mădălina became known in
Romania for her extensive collaboration with the band Subcarpați and for her debut
album "Oamenii se fac dor" (People miss each other), released in 2019 and album
which combined Bucovina folklore with urban rhythms and modern vibes. In 2021
Mădălina had the opportunity to gather around her 12 talented musicians with a
background in the Romanian classical and alternative music scene for the project
„Mădălina Pavăl Live Orchestra“, an endeavour carefully curated by the producer and
artist Alexei Țurcan. Together they gave birth to the eight songs of the latest album
"ROIESC" (to swarm), a musical project that re-emphasize everything what we call
origins and roots.